Digital Marketing Manager Skills: You Need to Know


Due to the size of the digital market, it may take some time for novices or marketers to identify their niche. Suppose you don’t focus on the important areas of a business. In that case, you may struggle with anything from understanding the appropriate KPIs for digital marketing manager skills to being an SEO and […]

Outreach Marketing: Step-by-Step Guide


Introduction to Outreach Marketing Outreach marketing is a strategy that helps you connect with people, influencers, or organizations that help you introduce your brand awareness, products, or services to the targeted audience. Through forging authentic connections and utilizing the followers of others, businesses augment their marketing efforts and ultimately get a more prominent place in […]

The Importance of Backlinks for SEO


1. Introduction 2. What Are Backlinks? 3. The Role of Backlinks in SEO 4. Quality vs. Quantity: What Matters More? 5. How to Acquire Quality Backlinks 6. Monitoring and Analyzing Backlinks ● Tools for Backlink Analysis: ● Metrics to Monitor: Conclusion In summary, Social Cubes guided the importance of backlinks as an essential part of […]

Social Cubes Provides a Detailed Guide to Help You Understand SEO Keywords


Introduction Keywords are the first and most important steps in SEO. Knowing and understanding the types of keywords efficiently is one of the fundamental aspects of SEO. The keywords users type into search engines to find the specific answer to the query, information, products, or services are known as keywords. By choosing the right strategic […]

Organic vs Paid Marketing: Finding the Right Balance


There’s always been a debate about which marketing strategy is best for your business — organic or paid marketing. This debate confuses many companies, startups, and small business owners. So, let’s end this discussion and cover the pros and cons of both organic vs paid marketing at Social Cubes. Both organic and paid marketing have […]